Thursday, June 25, 2009

Do women want to co-parent?

Is co-parenting with a gay man something women want? Maybe. It’s probably not their first choice. Women usually want to be married (both straight and gay.) Most are in the 38-44 age range. Understandably, they feel their ‘biological clock ticking.’ But the whole process is so…strange. We call it ‘dating.’ And it mostly works like dating (except for the sex part.) Grab a coffee or dinner. See a movie. Maybe just a walk. Talk on the phone. In that time, questions form: Can you picture a relationship with this person for the rest of your life? Are they a reliable financial partner? What about their temperment? Do you share values? How can these decisions be made in several months, lacking the intimacy of a sexual relationship? And what if you don’t have the luxury of time (when in your 40’s)? Well, I haven’t found an answer. I don't think there is one.
There are no rules—it’s relatively uncharted territory. These arrangements are more popular in european gay communities. Yet it seem odd that NYC doesn’t have a higher profile in this area.
We’ve had an interesting mix of visitors to our Center group. Two gay men with a straight woman that one met at work. Lesbian couples. A gay man and straight woman who discussed children at a party. They usually attend one meeting to gather information. They listen intently and quietly, mostly interested in hearing other stories. I’d love to know how these pairings worked out.

1 comment:

Social Disaster said...

Thats cool, I guess I never thought about it that way.