Saturday, August 1, 2009

making babies the gay way

According to this report from British channel 4, there are a four main ways that gay men and women can have children:
adoption, co-parenting arrangements, donor insemination and surrogacy.

One plus of a co-parenting agreement is that the child will have two, or possibly more, adults caring for him or her. But there are several issues that make co-parenting difficult. The most obvious problem is that as a co-parent, you will not have sole custody of your child. Alison Bedor from the Lesbian and Gay Co-Parenting Group highlighted another problem, saying: 'Most women who contact us are looking for donors, not co-parents, but most men want an active involvement.'
Even when co-parents are found, entering a situation where your child already has two homes before he or she is born could be difficult for all concerned. There are details to be worked out and agreed, such as each parent's role and their degree of involvement. If there are two couples involved, rather than individuals, it could be even trickier, legally and socially.

1 comment:

SeattleGirl said...

Well, I hope you find the female (straight/gay) co-parent you seek. Too bad you're across the country! I'm in the Seattle area. Aside from plans to snowbird with relatives in AZ 1-2 months of the year, I plan on remaining in the Seattle area where I've built my biz. I'm looking for a solid guy (probably gay) who lives anywhere from the Portland OR to Seattle to even Vancouver BC.