Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Parenting Partnerships at the LGBT Center in NYC-Part II

I met last night with the 'Center Kids Groups' staff, under whose aegis Parenting Partnerships falls. We discussed how to increase membership and group excitement, deciding on an event on Wed, 2/11/09 @ 6:30 pm. We'll invite several successful co-parenting families to discuss their experiences, as well as an attorney specializing in co-parenting contracts. The staff disagree with my feeling that co-parenting will grow in the future; rather that it will remain a niche because it's such a complicated arrangement. It adds undue stress (meeting, 'dating', co-mingling finances with a relative stranger) onto an already stressful event (having children.) For now however, we'll plan for a successful february event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am planning to co-parent and know another Toronto-based lesbian couple who are co-parenting with a gay couple to raise their son! I hope it becomes more mainstream so we have more information and "guidance" to fall back on!